Photo Gallery


  1. Edge Cutters

    strongstrong              Ispan style='font-size: 12pt;'tem 86 'Edgecutters'span span style='font-size: 12pt;' by Dr. Wadsworth Jarrell, is a 22 X 30' framed Serigraph. Open bid with $400.00 with increments of at least $100.00. Beautiful historical art celebrates the Kentucky Derby and Black  jockeys. Kentucky Derby Museum at Churchill Downs in 1993.span Call Beverly Ross Normand at Rald Institute by July 30, 2021 (773) 752-8176.span style='font-size: 10pt;'spanspan style='font-size: 10pt;'spanspan style='font-size: 8pt;'span
  2. span style='font-size: 10pt;'div id='yiv0427899117yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1507587587142_16023' dir='ltr'              span style='font-size: 10pt;'Donate $100  and receive gorgeous signed 'Generations' print by Gerald Sanders, Emeritus Art Director. Call (773) 752-8176 to request your print in July, 2021.spanspanspan style='font-size: 10pt;'spanspan style='font-size: 10pt;'span
  3. ITEM

                                strongItem 17strong - Abstract Fabric Design donated by the late Seitu Nurullah (a.k.a. Rah-bird). Rare silk, 43 X 42 inches. Rahbird earned degrees from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and from the University or Chicago.His work was exhibited at  the Smart Museum of Art (Univ. of Chicago) and at Rald Institute in 2018 and 2019 and  is scheduled to reopen at the ChicagoTheological Seminary in September, 2021. His rare fabric designs have been collectibles since the 1960s. He taught for private and public schools inChicago, Illinois before retiring in Ghana, West Africa in 2006, where he passed away in June, 2021 after several years of declining health. RahbirdSeitu Nurullah is survived by brother Patrick Lewis; Sister, Cynthia Lewis; children Mansur Nurullah;Rasan Nurullah; Kewa Nurullah; and Rianna Nurullah.  Make offer above $5,000. Photograph by Anthony Cole. 
  4. ITEM 52

                                span style='font-size: 12pt;''Sankofa No. 1' is a rare painting by Beverly Ann Ross Normand, MA, M.Ed., DHL, Founder, Director and Principal Volunteer span at Rald Institute since its establishment in the early 1980s. Original oil and acrylics on 18 x 24 inch canvas, the painting span style='font-size: 12pt;' opens with bid of $2,000,000. (two million) with increments of $1,000,000 through July, 2021. Funds will help provide stipends for full-time volunteers and costs of general operations for Rald's charity, which has provided over 35 years of free services for children with special needs in Chicago, art educationexhibitions for persons of all ages online and elsewhere, and  paid and other internships for young adults and seniors.span Beverly earned degrees from Roosevelt University, DePaul University and Chicago State University and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Grant College in Birmingham, Alabama  for her work with Rald Institute. She designed Afrocentric jewelry from 1965 to 1973, exhibiting and selling out in Chicago art fairs. She has curated art exhibitions annually since 1972 for various Chicago Public Schools, Rald Institute, universities and churches. She was recently honored by the University of Chicago's Smart Museum of Art (2018) where she worked as Advisor and Lender for 'The Time is Now Exhibition of African American Artists 1960-80.' Beverly joined  'Chicago Black Arts' after graduation from Hirsch High School and studied art with ElaineBoyd Anderson Lutfi  and others from the age of 14 through adulthood.  Beverly won an apprenticeship with The Free Southern Theater in New Orleans, LA. span style='font-size: 12pt;'She worked as Assistant Director of Chicago'sspanNeighborhood TheaterModel Cities under Val Gray Ward for several years, and worked as Lead Citywide Instructional Specialist and Department ofPsychology for the last  13 of her 33 years with Chicago Public Schools. She served span style='font-size: 12pt;'as a writer of training manuals and specialized materials, including a multidisciplinary television program on the art ofspanSamuel Akainyah.  Beverly served as Religion and Race Chair at South Shore United Methodist Church in Chicago for approximately 20 years and curated art exhibitions and edited 'Nimbus,'a churchcommunity newspaper. Beverly worked to preserve African American history in various forms and to develop ecumenical and multiracial programs also. She served as a Co-Chair for Communications at the church for many years and provided various arts awards programs.She was raised at St. Edmond Episcopal Church inChicago, where her parents were members. In 2008, Normand's Children's Art Workshopswas featured on Chicago Television by HarryPorterfield, then a very popular Channel 7 news reporter. Beverly Ross Normand's poetry has been published in magazines, journals, and anthologies and she recently(2020) completed a poetry volume 'Tasting Breath,' in honor of the late FlautistWhistler, Joel Alexander Brandon who assisted with transcribing most of her sacred music. Brandon also transcribedfor Earth, Wind, & Fire and many others throughout America and elsewhere. Beverly Ross Normand has curated an art exhibitionat the Chicago Theological Seminary to benefit  Rald Institute and it is scheduled to open soon.  Beverly is the daughter of late floor designerpianist  Vernon Lee Ross and late educatorrealtor Rejoyner Elizabeth Smith Ross.             i    
  5. ITEM 41

                     strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 41strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;' - 'EL Zabar,' donated by Adedayo Laoye, original watercolors. 16' X 20' in mat. Gift to benefit Rald Institute. Opening bid $3,000. with increments of at least $500. Photographed  for Rald Institute by Anthony Cole. Rare opportunity!span  
  6. ITEM 77

                                                 Item 77 'Ten Commandments,' limited edition (less than 50) fine quality prints by the late Charles L. Whitman (1945 - 1992) and span style='font-size: 12pt;'designed spanby Beverly Normand. Open bid with $2,000 with increments of at least $500. Approximately 24 X 24 inches on high quality paper. Email bid to: [email protected] and call (773) 752-8176.   
  7. ITEM

                     strong style='font-size: 10pt;'span style='font-size: 10pt;'ITEM 39spanstrongspan style='font-size: 10pt;' - 'Malachi Favors,' photo by the late, great Robert Abbott Sengstacke, Emeritus member of the Board of Directors of Rald Institute. 10' X 12' signed & framed. Year 2000. Open bid with $40,000 with increments of $5,000. Offer good through August, 2021.span 
  8. ITEM 65

                                    span style='font-size: 12pt;''Ancient One' by Sura Dupart, winner of  2013 Chicago Museum of Science and Industry's Black Creativity Award and many other awards.  Casted bronze 15 x 19 x 10 inches. 7 inch diameter. Callspan(773) 752-8176 span style='font-size: 14pt;'to check on availability ofspan span style='font-size: 14pt;'this rare work.span 
  9. ITEM 32

                 '' Lift Every Voice Series #1' by Adedayo Laoye, a gifted native of Ede, Nigeria who earned degrees from the School of Fine Art, Yaba College of Technology and from Howard University. Raised in the Yoruba tradition and inspired by Dr. Alain Locke, he describes his work as ritualistic. He was recently honored as the featured artist by the Chicago Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta sorority. Oil on canvas, 18 x 23 12 '' . Photographed by the late Gideon Manasseh. Opening bid $8,000 with increments of at least $500. Rare opportunity!
  10.                strong style='font-size: 10pt;'Item 49 - strongspan style='font-size: 10pt;''Pattern' by Sherman Beck. Original  oil on canvas 23 x 29 inches framed.  Approx. year 2000. Opening bid $2,000,000. Increments at least $1,000,000. Beck isspan span style='font-size: 10pt;'a founding member of the AfriCobra Arts Collective, retired art teacher at Dunbar High,  retired owner of Art Directions art supply store in the Hyde Park area of Chicago, and a longtime volunteer for Rald Institute. An original member of the AfriCobra Arts Organization, Sherman Beck's works have been exhibited nationally and internationally.span
  11. ITEM 31

                            strongItem 31strong - 'Superman' by Dale Normand (1945 -  ). Framed oil on canvas 4ft  x 3ft. 3 inches. Year about 1979. Rare original by the great, widely exhibited graduate of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago whose first exhibits were at Wiebolt stores when he was a young teenager living in the Englewood area of Chicago and attending ParkerHigh School. An artist all of his life, Dale wasthe victim of a vicious robbery which left him with serious and permanent physical disabilities about tenyears ago.  Open bid with one hundred thousand dollars with increments of twenty thousand dollars (at least) and establish a special crime victim's fund at Rald Institute to help Dale and others. 
  12. ITEM

                                         strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 40 - strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;'Untitled original oil on canvas by Roberto of Haiti. 19 X 15 inches beautifully framed. Gift from the late artist Jack Simmerling to benefit Rald Institute. Open bid with  $7,000. and increments of at least $1,000. Photographed for Rald Institute by Anthony Cole.spandiv id='yui_3_16_0_1_1416442580395_21391' style='color:#000000;font-size:14px;font-family:HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;background-color:transparent;font-style:normal;'
  13. ITEM 58

    span style='font-size: 12pt;' span        span style='font-size: 12pt;''Urbanbushman,' photo and art by Lester Lashley, 18X20 inches. Open with $20,000 and increments of $5,000. Lester earned his Bachelor and Master of Fine Arts from the School of the Art Institute ofspanChicago. His works have been exhibited extensively,beginning in the early 1960s. He was recently featured by the University of Chicago's Smart Museum of Art, Rald Institute, and in Wadsworth A.Jarrell's recent book, 'Africobra,' Duke University Press 2020. 
  14.                                                strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 69strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;' - 'Malcolm X' by Omar Lama. Reproduction 11x14 inches in mat, unframed. Good condition. Year 1987. Open with $500. with increments of $100. through July, 2021.span
  15.                           span style='font-size: 12pt;'Beautiful wearable African mask obtained through trade by Chicago's renowned African American leather designer, Obry Collins. Mixture of  wood, beads, shells, burlap, dye.  Excellent condition.  Approximately twelve inches in height. Photo byspanspan style='font-size: 14pt;'Anthony Cole.span span style='font-size: 14pt;'Open auction with bid abovespanspan style='font-size: 14pt;'forty thousand in July and August, 2021.span  span style='font-size: 12pt;'span
  16.                                   span style='font-size: 12pt;''Mother Teresa,' donated print on canvas by gifted Chicago artist, Richard Hezekiah Mcghee. First and only print on canvas, size 16 X 20 inches unframed.  Open bid with $5,000 with increments of at  least one thousand.  Photographed for Rald Institute byspanspan style='font-size: 12pt;'Anthony Cole and by Naeem Richmond.span 
  17. ITEM 54

                                 strong style='font-size: 12pt;'span style='font-size: 12pt;''Worldwide Concerto,' Quality print on canvas by Melvin King, well-known nationally and internationally. 22 X 32 inches framed. Open bid in August, 2021 with $4,000 and increments of at least $500. Call Rald Institute at (773) 752-8176.spanstrongstrong style='font-size: 12pt;'span style='font-size: 10pt;'br spanstrongstrong style='font-size: 12pt;' strong
  18. ITEM 70

                 strong'strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;'Black Pride' sculpture by Sura Dupart, a  winner of Museum of Science and Industry's Black Creativity Award. Dupart is also a gifted percussionist and leader of 'Side Pocket' jazz group.span     span style='font-size: 12pt;'Serpentine stone 13x712 x 812 inches. Opening bid $15,000. Increments at least $500. span   
  19. ITEM

                                       Original mixed media by Cartoonist Eugene Mitchell. 2 X 3 feet. Will be offered in August, 2021. Call Rald Institute at (773) 752-8176
  20. Landscape #4 by Arsie Lee Kennedy

                 strongItem 92  Untitled # 4. Arsie Kennedy original oil.strongOpen with $75,000 with increments of at least ten thousand  through July 2021. Email [email protected] with Item # and your information and call (773) 752-8176. 
  21.                                                   span id='yiv0427899117yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1507587587142_16002'span style='font-size: 12pt;'Item # 84.spanspan style='font-size: 8pt;' 'Pspan style='font-size: 10pt;'recious Treasures; cultivate them'span aspanspan style='font-size: 13.3333px;' 22 x  30 inch framed lithograph  by Wadsworth Jarrell can be opened with bid of $2,000 with increments of $500 through August, 2021. Photographed by Azell Gregory Mance.spanspanstrong strong
  23. div id='yiv7294863895yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1507350170476_38502' dir='ltr'                           Item 87.  'Palm Wine Men,' beautiful print by Dr. Wadsworth Jarrell. 24 X 26 inches unframed. Open bid with $300 and increments of at least $100 through August, 2021. Terms available. Email [email protected] and call (773) 752-8176.    spanspan style='font-size: 8pt;'   spanspan
  24. Landscape #2

                                                                                                        Item 90 span style='font-size: 12pt;''Landscape #2' original oil by Arsie L. Kennedyspan29 X 27 inches framed. Good condition. Open with $30,000. with increments of $5,000. Offer goodthrough July, 2021. Email to [email protected] with your information. Call (773) 752-8176 with questions.
  25. ITEM 63

               strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 63strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;' - 'Garfield Park Lagoon' by John Blanton, award winning retired Chicago photographer.  Year 1991. 16 x 20 inches.  Opening bid $20,000.  Increments at least $5,000. span  
  26.                         strong style='font-size: 10pt;'Item 48 -'Sspan style='font-size: 12pt;'oul Farmspanspan style='font-size: 12pt;'' is a limited (less than 5) reproduction by retired artist, Barry Bruner.span Approximately 16 X 11 inches unframed.strongspan style='font-family: "Times New Roman", serif; font-size: 10pt;'  span style='font-size: 12pt;'Open bid with only $100.00.spanspan Barry Bruner is retired Art Director of Whitney Young Magnet High School in Chicago, one of thebest artists in the U.S. A., and is noted for his gorgeous works of jazz musicians as they played live concerts. Barry is a retired jazz guitarist and was a longtime mentor for art educators.   
  27.                                            strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 68strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;' - 'Roland Kirk' by Omar Lama.  Reproduction 11x14 inches in mat. Very good condition. Year 1988. strongCurrently on exhibition atstrongspanspan style='font-size: 12pt;'The Chicago Theological Seminary. Omar's workspanwas recently in exhibitions at the Smart Museum of Art in Chicago; at The Museum of Contemporary Art in North Miami, Florida; at the Rald InstituteGallery and in an AfriCobra exhibition in Italy.span style='font-size: 12pt;'spanOmar Lama is featured in a newly released bookentitled 'AfriCobra,' by Wadsworth Jarrell, LDH, Duke University Press.span style='font-size: 18.6667px;' Call (773) 752-8176.span  
  28. Landscape # 3

                                              Item 89. Beautiful original oil landscape# 3 by the late Arsie Lee Kennedy, a leading  American landscape artist. 29 X 23 inches in very good condition. Open the bid with $40,000. with increments of $5,000. at least.  Email [email protected] with bid andyour information and call (773) 752-8176. 
  29. ITEM 59

                strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 59strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;' - 'The Bob Love Story' book by Bob Love, Bulls player from1968 to1977. Current Director of Community Affairs.  Opening bid $20.00. Increments at least $10.00 to benefit Rald Institute. span  
  30. Landscape #1 by Arsie Lee Kennedy

                               strongItem 91 original oil by Arsie Kennedy 29 X 29 inches framed. Open with $40,000 with increments of $10,000. Email [email protected] with your bid and information. Call (773) 752-8176 with questions.strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;'span
  31. ITEM 46

                                                             spanspan style='font-size: 10pt;'span style='font-size: 10pt;'strongItem 46strong span- spanspan style='font-size: 10pt;' spanspan style='font-family: "Times New Roman","serif"; font-size: 10pt;''strongELLINGTON,' BY WILLIAM HUNT. ORIGINAL OIL 36 X 24 INCHES DONE IN 1990s.  OPEN BID WITH $3span style='font-size: 8pt;',span style='font-size: 10pt;'000,000 and increments of at least $1,000,000. Rare painting is in good condition.spanspanstrongspanspan
  32.                                     strongItem 29 strong- ''Still Life'' by Omar Lama. Original oil on canvas,  10 x 12 inches, framed. Rare painting by the popular AfriCobra artist  whose works have been exhibited throughout the U.S.A. and elsewhere. Omar's work was featured by the University of Chicago's Smart Museum of Art in 2018, in The Museum of Contemporary Art in North Miami, Florida in 2019 and in Italy in 2019. Omar is currently featured at Rald Institute's gallery and at The Chicago Theological Seminary 2020 and 2021. Open bid for $80,000. (eighty thousand) with increments of $10,000. through February, 2021.Call (773) 752-8176 for more information.    
  33.                       span style='font-size: 14pt;''Willie Pickens with Wilbur Campbell and Larry Gray,' by Barry Bruner. Limited reproduction (under 6) approximately span span style='font-size: 14pt;'9 X 12 inches framed. Open bid withspan span style='font-size: 14pt;'$300. and increments of at least $100.span span style='font-size: 14pt;'Excellent opportunity to obtain a rarespan span style='font-size: 14pt;'work by one of America's most gifted  retired artists. Barry Bruner worked as Artspanspan style='font-size: 14pt;'Director of Whitney Young Magnet Highspanspan style='font-size: 14pt;'School in Chicago for many years and mentored art educators after retirement. He worked with Chicago's Muralists for ten years and has exhibited extensively and done magnificent works 'on the spot.' Mr. Bruner span span style='font-size: 14pt;'has been a supporterdonor of Rald Institutespan span style='font-size: 14pt;'for many years and his work has been exhibited and featured at Rald Institute.span           
  34. ITEM 64

                                     strong'strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;' Iya Lorisa' (Yoruba Priestess) by Adedayo Laoye, internationally known, award winning artist and Rald Institute benefactor.  Acrylics on watercolor paper. 32 x 39 inches with silver frame.  Year 2013. spanCall (773) 752-8176 regarding availability.  
  35. ITEM 76

               font size='2'strong'strongstrongTEMPLE DE LA CONCORD,' LITHOGRAPH BY ENGELMANN, 19x13 INCHES. GIFT FROM ERMA JAUBERT BRUNER.  OPEN BID  FOR ONLY $1,000.00 WITH INCREMENTS OF AT LEAST $500.00. strongstrongPHOTOGRAPHED FOR RALD INSTITUTE BY ANTHONY COLE. CALL (773) 752-8176.strongfontfont size='2'fontspan style='font-size: 10pt;'br spanspan style='font-size: 10pt;' span
  36. ITEM 66

                                           span style='font-size: 14pt;'MAKE  OFFER!span    strongspan style='font-size: 10pt;''OMO ORISA' SACRED ORISA BY ADEDAYO LAOYE, INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN AND RESPECTED ARTIST AND DONOR TO RALD INSTITUTE. WATERCOLORS 18 X 19 INCH ORIGINAL IN BLACK FRAME.  span style='font-size: 14pt;'Call (773) 752-8176 to inquire about availability.spanspanstrong
  37. ITEM 26

                'Mill Reflections,' photo by the late, great Barbara O'Connor, 14' X 11' matted. Purchased by Beverly Ross Normand to benefit Rald Institute and photographed for Rald Institute website gallery by Lester Lashley. Opening bid $20,000 with increments of at least $1000.00. Barbara grew up in the Chatham area of Chicago and graduated from Mercy High School. She moved to Hyde Park and became one of the nation's greatest community activists, training people like President Barack Obama, the lateMayor Harold Washington and many others. Noted for her great photos of endangered species and historical places, she died in January, 2020 at the age of 89, and was loved by scholars of all races and political backgrounds. 
  38.                                                            strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 5strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;' - Tibetan Ceremonial Artifact donated by Rald Institute benefactor. Brass with semi-precious stones and beautiful symbolic carvings. approx. 15' in length. Open bid with $3000. Increments at least $100. Photographed for Rald Institute by John Blanton. All proceeds benefit Rald Institute.span
  39. ITEM

                                                  strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 7strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;' - 'Je Mange donc je suis' by  the late Robert Pedro Borja. Oil on canvas 24'' X 30''. Borja was a world renowned calligraphy artist from Chicago.spanOpen bid with $80,000 with increments of $20,000   in December, 2020.
  40. pspan style='font-size: 12pt;'strongItem #2strong 'Bullfight Series' by Pablo Picasso. Print attached to heavy stock paper backing and framed. 36' X  13 12'. Excellent condition, year 1960. Open bid with $5,000 with increments of at least $500. From Private Collection. Proceeds will establish thespanpRaquel A. Hodge Memorial Fund of Rald Institute.  span style='font-size: 10pt;'spanp p  br p p strong style='font-size: 12pt;'strong span style='font-size: 12pt;'span
  41. ITEM

                 strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 12 strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;'- Very old 12 inch long African mask donated by the late artist Carole Gray Pilot to benefit Rald Institute. Photographed by John Blanton. Opening bid is $1,000 with increments of at least $100.span
  42.                                           strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 56strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;' - 'Herbie Hancock,' rare photo by John Blanton, 1975. Approximate size 18 x 20 inches. Opening bid $10,000.  Increments at least $1,000. to benefit Rald Institute. span 
  43. ITEM 14

                    strongItem 14 strong- 'Lillies 'donated by Gerald Sanders. Original watercolors to benefit Rald Institute. Year 2014. Approximately 18 x 24 inches. Opening bid $900 with increments of at least $100. Offer gooduntil December 31, 2020. Photographed by Anthony  Cole. 
  44. ITEM 23

                 strongItem 23strong -  `On the Wing` original print donated by Catherine Cajandig,  Approximately 9' X 7'. Starting bid $300 with increments of at least $25.  
  45. strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 10strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;' - 'Good Ship Jesus' sculpture by renowned Preston Jackson. Caste bronze and steel, 3 feet x 2 feet 1 inch. Starting bid is $17,000 with increments of at least $1,000. Preston Jackson is renowned in America and abroad and has done many public sculptures. He was Director of Sculpture, School of the Art Institute of Chicago for many years.span   
  46. ITEM 9

                     strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 9 strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;'-  `Marlene Rosenberg` photo by Stan Lee.  8` x 10`. Opening bid $400 with at least $25 increments. Rald receives percentage of proceeds from sale.span
  47. ITEM 8

                                  strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 8 strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;'-  'Barn' donated by Barry Bruner, limited reproduction (under 10) size approximately 10' X 8'. Opening bid is $100 with increments of at least $25.spanspan style='font-size: 12pt;' span
  48. ITEM 24

              strongItem 24strong - ''Stop the Killing,'' print by Sura Dupart, approximately 22 x 25 inches. Opening bid $300 with increments of at least $25. 50% of proceeds to benefit Rald Institute. Call 773 752-8176 to order. 
  49. ITEM 16

                strongItem 16strong - Beautiful African Sculpture mixed Media wood, brass, beads, height 33 inches. Starting bid $10,000 with increments at least $250.Rald receives percentage of proceeds.  
  50. ITEM 22

              strongItem 22strong - 'Chess Game' by Sherman Beck, oil on canvas, 30' x 40'. Please call (773) 752-8176 regarding availability. 
  51.             strongItem 35strong - 'Asterisk Underscored,' by Jamaal Gayles, award winning young graduate of Columbia College,Chicago. Original mixed media on corrugated paper. Opening bid $15,000. with increments of at least $1,000. 13 12'  x 11 12'. div id='yui_3_16_0_1_1416442580395_18671' style='color:#000000;font-size:14px;font-family:HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;background-color:transparent;font-style:normal;'
  52.                                           strongItem 15strong -strong Beautiful image of Malcolm X by the renowned founding member of AfriCobra.strongstrong'THE BLACK PRINCE, 'DONATED BY WADSWORTH JARRELLstrong. strong17x26 INCHstrong strongPOSTER TO BENEFIT RALD INSTITUTE. OPEN BID WITH $50.00 AND INCREMENTS OF AT LEAST $25.00. Special framed edition for $175.00 (one hundred seventy-five dollars) instrongstrongRald Institute fund raising exhibition at Chicago Theological Seminary, 1407 E. 60th St, Chicago, IL. Call (773) 752-8176 for details.strong
  53.                           strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 11 strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;'-  'Afro Improv' by Barry Bruner, limited reproduction (under 10)16' X 11' unframed. Opening bid $100 with at least $25 incrementsspan span style='font-size: 12pt;'through January 3, 2021.span             
  54. ITEM 18

               strongItem 18strong - `The Shame of Us` by Jamaal Gayles. Limited Reproduction ( Number 9 of 30). Approximately 14'x 11'. Opening bid $500 with increments of at least $50.Percentage of proceeds benefit Rald Institute.   
  55.              strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 3strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;' - Silver Tibetan artifact from the late art educator Carole Gray Pilot. Given to benefit Rald Institute. Approximately 5 inches in height. Beautifully carved. Opening bid $300 with increments of at least $50.00.span 
  56. ITEM 20

                strongItem 20strong - 'He Could Have Been' by Everett C. Williams, winner of Black Creativity Award, Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, 2014. Print on canvas, 15` X 31.5`, Opening bid $1,100 with increments of at least $100. Percentage of proceeds to benefit Rald Institute.
  57.            strongItem 21strong -  'Terry Ross on Morris Jennings' drums,' photo by Beverly Normand, year 2012. 13 x 19 inches framed. Starting bid $400 with increments of at least $50. Portion of proceeds will establish the Terry Michael Ross Fund at Rald Institute.
  58. div id='yiv7294863895yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1507350170476_200345' style='font-size: 8pt;' dir='ltr'            span style='font-size: 10pt;'strongItem # 83 strongspan 'The Artist as Revolutionary,' a great book about Wadsworth Jarrell with over 50 art plates. Robert L. Douglas, Ph.D., is author.  Open bid with $40 and increments of at least $20. Limited number of valuable books available! Call (773) 752-8176 with questions.span style='font-size: 8pt;'span
  59. ITEM 25

               strongItem 25strong - 'Garfield Park' limited edition photo by John Blanton, 20' x 14'. Opening bid $400 with increments of at least $25. Percentage of proceeds to benefit Rald Institute.  
  60. ITEM 79

                   span style='font-size: 12pt;''Hallelujah' by Dr. Yaoundé Olu, nationally known artist, doctor of natural medicine, metaphysics, educator, jazz radio host, Editor and cartoonist for Crusader Newspaper.  Digital painting 14 x 18 inches in mat. Opening bid $175. Increments at least $20. span  
  61.                   span style='font-size: 12pt;' ' Transformation' by Dr. Yaoundé Olu, nationally known artist, doctor of natural medicine, metaphysics, educator, jazz radio host and Rald Institute donor. Digital painting 14 x 18 inches in mat. Proceeds will be shared with Rald Institute. Opening bid $175. Increments at least $20. span  
  62. ITEM

               strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 60 strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;'- 'Broken Promises and Shattered Dreams - Coffee 2,' a series by Pamela Norman. Colored glass collage, 12x14 inches.  Pamela is a member of the Creative Arts Association, Chicago Park District artists and a volunteer with Rald Institute. Opening bid $10,000. Increments at least $2,000.span 
  63. ITEM 57

               strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 57 strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;'- 'Mountain Falls' by Pamela Norman.  Oil on canvas. Year 2009. 16 x 24 inches. Opening bid $5,000. Increments at least $1,000.  span 
  64. ITEM 45

                 span style='font-size: 10pt;' 'Summer' by Edward Grant Strong. Original mixed media to benefit Rald Institute.  20 x 28 inches. Opening bid $10,000. Increments at least $2000.span 
  65.                 strongItem 34strong - 'Jonathan,' photo by Beverly Ross Normand year 2012.  8' X 10.' Open bid with one hundred thousand dollars with increments of at least one thousand dollars. Portion of proceeds will establish the Jonathan Allen Children's Fund, a division of Rald Institute to be established to assistchildren under 23 with a deceased parent andchildren and adults with autism. 
  66. ITEM 71

    span style='font-size: 12pt;''Illumination' by Omar Lama. Original oil spanspan style='font-size: 12pt;'  Photographed for Rald Institute by Anthony Cole. span span style='font-size: 36pt;'SOLDspan
  67. ITEM

                           span style='font-size: 18pt;'MAKE  OFFER!span             strongItem 27strong -''Biggie Smalls'' original colored pen and ink drawing by the late, great  Dalushaka Mugwana. Excellent condition. 22' wide x 28' long framed. Special price in Chicago Theological Seminary's Rald Institute fund raiser through December 31, 2020. Call (773) 752-8176 for more information.  
  68. ITEM 28

                 strong'strongUnited,' photo by Beverly A. Ross Normand.strong NFSstrongstrongstrongCall (773) 752-8176 with questions.  
  69. ITEM

                   strongItem 36strong - Stoneware by the late, great Eselean Goree Henderson (1917 - 2004). Gift from Rosalind Henderson Mustafa to benefit Rald Institute. 12' circumference. Opening bid $400 with increments of at least $25  
  70.                                     span style='font-size: 10pt;''University of Illinois Chicago Series #2' by Sharon Williams Adams (a.k.a. Sharue)  (1947-2011) . Rare original oil on canvas is approximately 4' x 3'. Year 1980s. Opening bid $2,000,000. Increments at least $1,000.000. The late Sharue was a gifted jeweler, artist, special educator and member of the Board of Directors of Rald Institute. A graduate of the University of Illinois in Chicago, she was greatly inspired by the late Dr. Murray DePillars and Dr. Margaret Burroughs, she said.span     
  72.             strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 4 strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;'- `Northwestern University AfriCobra Exhibition` by Robert Abbott Sengstacke, photo 8` X 10`. Not for Sale.span 
  73. ITEM 50

                  span style='font-size: 12pt;''Bears' by James Gould. Original Acrylics on canvas. 35 x 23 inches framed. Opening bid $700.00 with increments at least $100. span  
  74. ITEM 33

                      strong style='font-size: 10pt;'Item 33strongspan style='font-size: 10pt;' - 'Chance,' orig. pastel by the late Charles Lucius Whitman. Year approx.1991. 9' X 12' approx. Illustration for Portraits and Poetry in collaboration with Beverly Normand. spanNot for Sale.span style='font-size: 10pt;'   span
  75. ITEM 44

    strongspan style='font-size: 10pt;'spanstrong                 strongspan style='font-size: 10pt; text-transform: uppercase;'Item 44 spanspan style='text-transform:uppercase'-spanstrongspan style='text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 10pt;'“Blue-2” by Jesse Greene who graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Jesse has lived and worked in Paris  and in texas in recent years and has been a donor to Rald for many years. Purchased by Beverly Normand. 12 by 12 inches. acrylics on Canvas. Open bid with $10,000 and increments of at least $1,000.span    
  76. ITEM 82

                strong style='font-size: 10pt;'span style='font-size: 10pt;' spanstrongspan style='font-size: 10pt;'strongGORGEOUS ARTIST'S PROOFstrong strongOF 'REVOLUTIONARY,' BY INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN PAINTER, PROFESSOR WADSWORTH JARRELL. span style='font-size: 18pt;'SOLDspanstrongspan
  77. ITEM 55

                 span style='font-size: 12pt;' spanspan style='font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Helvetica","sans-serif";''Accepting Christ,' original by Melvin King. Acrylics on canvas 30 x 36 inches, year 2014. Percentage of proceeds to benefit Rald Institute. Opening bid $27,000. Increments at least $2,000.spanstrongspan style='font-size:10.5pt;font-family:"Helvetica","sans-serif";Times New Roman";color:black;'br spanstrong
  78. ITEM 47

                 span style='font-size: 10pt;'strongItem 47strong - 'Skating' by Eugene Mitchell.  Original mixed media on canvas. 45 x 35 inches framed. Year 2013. All proceeds benefit Rald Institute. Opening bid $4,000. Increments at least $500.spanspan style='font-family: "Times New Roman","serif"; font-size: 12pt;'spanstrong strong
  79. ITEM 37

                      span style='font-size: 12pt;'' Abstract Sculpture #2, Acrylics, 12 x 7 12 x ll'  by Alicia Griffin.  Original was a trophy award for the years 1994-1996 for Greater Los Angeles African American Chamber of Commerce. Opening bid $100,000. Increments at least $1,000 . Percentage of proceeds will benefit Rald. span 
  80. ITEM 43

               span style='font-size: 10pt;'Original oil by Roy LeBaron. 24 inches by 36 inches. Year unknown. Good condition. Donated by L. McDonald Family of Chicago. Open bid with $8,000 and increments of at least $500. All proceeds benefit Rald Institute. span 
  81. ITEM 72

                span style='font-size: 12pt;''Summer' by Jack Simmerling (1935-2013). Print 17 x 12 inches donated and framed by Mr. Simmerling to benefit Rald Institute. Year 2004. Opening bid $150. Increments at least $100. Photographed by Anthony Cole. span  
  82. ITEM 61

               span style='font-size: 12pt;''Abdullah Striding the Keys', by Professor Napoleon Jones Henderson, founding member of AfriCobra.strong SOLDstrongspan 
  83.                              strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 67strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;' - 'O Woman, A Tapestry of  Loving You', poetry by spanspan style='font-size: 12pt;'Yusuf Ali EL, a magna cum laude graduate of University of New Hampshire. He has written over 15 books, including his own poetry.   He published anthologies with the works of other poets, dating from the early 1970's. This book is signed and numbered. Yusuf for 25 years has been a major promoter of the works of the late Annie Lee and has supported Rald Institute since its inception. Opening bid $35. Increments at least $10.00. span   
  84. ITEM 62

              span style='font-size: 14pt;'span style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 62 - 'Abstract Head' by Alicia I. Griffin of Los Angeles, an award winning artist who has exhibited in the U.S. and Europe. Acrylic Sculpture 21 12 x 6 x12 inches. Year 1998. Opening bid $18,700. Increments at least $2,500. Actual value at least $30,000. Percentage to benefit Rald Institute. spanspan 
  85. ITEM 13

                strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 13 strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;'-  Not for sale photograph by Lauren Deutsch.span 
  86. ITEM 42

                    strong style='font-size: 12pt;'Item 42strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;' - 'The White Prince' . Limited edition print of a watercolor donated by Gerald Sanders.20 x 16 inches in mat. Opening bid $300. Increments at least $30. span 
  87. ITEM 38

                       span style='font-size: 12pt;'strongItem 38 strong- 'Tiger Lillies' limited edition print donated by Gerald Sanders,  No. 10 of 200,13' x 19'. year 2002. Opening bid $300 with increments of at least $25. Photo by Anthony Cole. span 
  88. ITEM 30

                  strongItem 30strong - 'Corey Wilkes' by John Blanton, photograph approximately 14' x 12'. Percentage to benefit Rald Institute. Opening bid $300 with increments of at least $25.
  89. ITEM 6

                  strong style='font-size: 12pt;' Item 6strongspan style='font-size: 12pt;' - `Self Portrait` by Jamaal Gayles, mixed media original year 2013. 20`L X 14`W framed, $3,000 starting bid with increments of at least $250. span 
  90. ITEM 19

                strongItem 19strong - `Dee Alexander` by Lauren Deutsch.strong NFSstrong